Sunday, August 3, 2008

Kylie's Visit to Utah

We have had a great time with Kylie and if Jace (and the rest of us) had our way we'd keep her for 1600 more days. She has been a great help with the kids, but we did manage to fit in some play time. We went to Seven Peaks and did some shopping at the mall. Kylie was a dating machine and went on 4 dates, 3 of which were with the same guy.... the REAL reason she came to visit:) By the smile on her face it looks like her mission was accomplished! (Ask Kylie for details)


ToddandKathy said...

Thanks Heidi for taking good care of Kylie. She had a fabulous time and is looking forward to a return visit.

ToddandKathy said...

Thanks Heidi for taking good care of Kylie. She had a fabulous time and is looking forward to a return visit.

ToddandKathy said...

Thanks Heidi for taking good care of Kylie. She had a fabulous time and is looking forward to a return visit.

Erikson Family said...

Yo can someone blog something thats not about Kylie?

Tfamily said...

With all the traveling Wendi "claims" she does with the Erickson family, you would think this blog would have tons of posts. Maybe Kylie is the only one who does anything exciting :) just kidding.
I will keep checking back to see what the Ericksons family is up to!